Selamat datang diblog kami , segala kritik dan saran akan kami terima dengan tulus karena saran anda dapat membantu kami dalam memperbaiki kesalahan dan kekurangan blog ini. TERIMA KASIH TELAH BERKUNJUNG

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Putting a Facebook "like", "send" or "share" button on your blog

There is an official Facebook button that your readers can use to share your blog, your current post, or any website, on their own Facebook account.  This article describes how to get the code from Facebook and install it into Blogger - but most of the information applies to other blogging tools (Wordpress, TypePad, etc) and many other web-site tools also Previously I've described the different ways that you can link your blog and the social-networking sites.

Scan a Website for Malwares before You Visit

We should be careful while surfing internet. Because some websites have malicious contents so as to harm our computers. When you visit those websites or any page of them your computer may be infected by virus.

By searching what you are looking for in search engines, you can get the search results with malicious websites filtered or warning about malicious content near those websites. Browsers also alert us when we open a malicious website.
But browsers might not alert for all sites. Because they might unaware of those sites.

How to Open Links in New Window in Blogger

You have to make links open in new window to make visitors staying on your site. Because if a link opens in the same window the visitors leave your site and pay attention to that site (clicked link). 

I search for the code to implement that in this blog I found five methods. I would like to share them here. The following methods will work for websites too.
In the sidebar you may link your favorite websites and in blog posts you may link related websites. For that the following two methods available.

How to Get Free Traffic for Your Website or Blog

You have designed a professional looking website for your business. All the contents of the website are good. But you don’t get visitors to your site. That means your website traffic is low. So you want more traffic for your site. By investing money (for displaying ads on other sites such as AdSense) you can get so much of traffic. But you want to get the traffic for free. But is it possible? The answer is yes. You can get more traffic with free methods than in paying. This article will help explain the methods of getting free traffic for your site.

How to Change Blogger Template in New Blogger Interface

Some might use blogger old interface. But the old blogger interface will not be available in future. That means old interface retires.
So I write about ‘How to Change Blogger Template in New Blogger Interface’. Below are the step by step procedures to change the blogger template. 

Test post

Bismillah . .

Post pertama saya untuk mengawali kegiatan blogging ini dangan memperkenalkan diri saya terlebih dahulu. Nama saya Kifli  . . .